Yesterday morning, just after 5am, hubby grabbed his camera to take these pics of this strange thing in the sky. It was in the east, travelling south-easterly. Probably a bit of space junk with the rising sun shining on its vapour trail. I lightened the last photo a little; the corner of our house is on the left and it slowly moved over the mountain range. I just caught the end of it at 5:30am as it disappeared over the mountains.
Wow, that's amazing! You got some great shots.
What the heck is that?? Any mention on the telly?? Lucky that didn't drop on your house.
Wow Alaine! That's an amazing sight that provokes a few questions. What a capture!!!
Willow, isn't it great. It looks like a red-hot poker.
Maggie, we sent the pics to the morning show and I think they put them up just after the 7:30 news. I missed it and just heard the commentator saying 'in the sky'. It might be worth sending them to the Melbourne Herald Sun.
I was also wondering where it would drop; on land or in the ocean. I'm sure we'll hear if it hits anything!
Bonnie, indeed it does. We still think it's a bit of space junk.
Hi Alaine
have you heard anything more?
Your husband must have had the camera handy...
Happy days
Hi Delwyn,
No, we haven't heard any other reports. He always has the camera ready on his desk to take bird shots.
Whatever it was, it really had a spotlight on it..keep looking up!!
WOW...beautiful, but almost scary at the same time! What an amazing moment... Happy Day, Alaine :o)
yes, a bit of space junk re-entering earth's atmosphere, surely?
magnificent photos, talk about the right place at the right time!
Lyn, Tracy, Friko - it showed up again yesterday morning with a very long, smoky trail, still moving across the sky, not as spectacular as the day before. No sign of it this morning; must have burnt itself out.
Space invaders, I guess. Love the pictures.
Thanks, T, I'll dream about little green men tonight!
I would so love it Alaine if there were little green men or anything else come to think of it. Life on another planet would be such a wonderous thing to contemplate.
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OMG What great photos very scarey
though we don't want that fiery
stuff falling in our bush at this time of the year. A bit strange that
it showed up twice Iam a believer in
life somewhere else.
Hi Barbara, have a look at Nancy's post at LIFE IN THE SECOND HALF on my sidebar about UFO's.
M said that usually a piece of space junk would burn itself out before it hit earth. xa
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