
Saturday, May 30, 2009


We went down to the "big smoke" for two days as DMJ had meetings to attend. On Friday, he sent me off, thinking that I was going to buy a new winter wardrobe but I had other things in mind. I headed for Allan's Music, which has been going in Melbourne since the 1850s. I bought the above book and I'm itching to get into it but I don't think I'll have a chance this weekend, as we have two days of visitors expected.

I love classical and can sit for hours and play but I've found that the majority of visitors enjoy hearing popular music. This book has some lovely songs; here are some:

Wonderful Tonight
Cry Me A River
Can You Feel The Love Tonight
My Old Flame

and out of 150, I should get repertoire together if I'm asked to play.

My usual audience


Susan said...

It's so wonderful that you play and play well enough to entertain visitors! I can't play, but I do love to sing; and, 'Cry Me a River' is one of my favorites. Wish I could be there for the concert!

alaine@éclectique said...

I love singing it too, any old torch song will do. We could sing up a storm, Susan! LBx

blackbird said...

I wish that I could sing or play but I certainly enjoy listening. I learned violin when I was a child but never was very skilled and set it aside as soon as I could.

It looks like a great collection of songs. You'll have to get a vote from your regulars as to their favorites. Enjoy your company.

alaine@éclectique said...

It's a pity you didn't take to the violin. My brother and I had a choice, the violin or piano and we both chose piano but I'd love to play the violin, an instrument one can take anywhere.