We walked through the caravan park alongside the Upper Pondage yesterday. I was taking a photo of this blossom when DMJ said, 'Look up slowly, above your head and see what's landed in the tree'. I turned around and took a few shots but, unfortunately, I still had Macro set and below is the only shot that wasn't all that blurred.

He wasn't at all fazed by our presence and put on quite a show for us, sucking on the blossoms. Most of these birds are so tame in this area as crumbs and seed are thrown to them on a daily basis.

King Parrot - Alisterus scapularis
The shots below are typical of their sense of fun when visiting.

alaine, i love birds but i am always especially drawn to colourful birds. i would love to live somewhere in which birds like this would fly up and steal my food or flap around my head - whatever!!! they're beautiful!! steven
Hi Alaine,
Unlike Steven, I can cope without our feathered friends flapping around my head! I cringe whenever I see people feeding pigeons in Trafalgar Square! But I love to watch colourful birds and have seen beautiful ones on our travels. Yours are all on the large size!
Hello Steven, What I'm surprised about, daily, is getting to know their personalities; we have regulars and get to know their habits and character; it's extremely interesting.
Hello Derrick, yes they are large but very gentle when they sit on your head or shoulder. It's an amazing feeling.
Alaine, it seems spring is arriving! The birds are lovely! Happy day. Lizzy
Hello Lizzy, yes, Spring is here!
Those parrots are beautiful... what a treat to be surrounded by so many at once! It is wonderful to see you signs of spring in those tender, pink blossoms. Here we are on the cusp of autumn and summer winding down--savoring every last drop! Oh, had to thank you for your lovely, supportive comment--so much appreciated! :o) Happy Day, Alaine ((HUGS))
These are phenomenal pictures. I so envy you the miracle of such visitors!
Alaine, I have given you and your blog an award. You can read the details of it on my blog. I hope you are open to such things . . .
They give us so much pleasure, Bonnie, mixed with sadness too; one of our beautiful pigeons was attacked by something this morning. There were feathers everywhere - it could have been the hawk that visited about the same time last year and killed a pigeon.
Thankyou for awarding me! My first Award; I'm so chuffed! I will gladly put the badge of honour up soon!
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