
Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Me 1977

Here I am, jeans rolled up, picking up shells - nothing's changed! I remember that day well; my 12yo son took the photo. Hard to believe he will be 44 this year and my daughter 46!

I'm slowly scanning some of the old photos into a folder in My Pictures. I very rarely bring the albums out, so thought I'd create a screensaver that I'll get a lot of pleasure watching whilst doing the worst job in the world, ironing!


blackbird said...

I just bought a new scanner for slides and negatives so that I can (more easily) transfer my old photos on to my computer. It's a shame to have them tucked away into albums but most of mine didn't even make it that far- they're still in envelopes and boxes.

They are so great to look at- and marvel over.

How the years have flown.

alaine@éclectique said...

Yes, indeed. Makes me want to cram as much as I can into so little time left! My late mother-in-law used to say,"My longest time is short". LBx

Ruthie Redden said...

that is a wonderful idea, i absolutely love looking through our old photos, but rarely do!